Frequently Asked Questions for our services

Description of various cleaning services provided, such as domestic cleaning, office cleaning, deep cleaning, end-of-tenancy cleaning, etc.
Information about the company's insurance policies to assure customers of protection against any damages or accidents during cleaning.
Details about the process of hiring, background checks, and the training program for cleaners to ensure professionalism and high standards.
Information on how customers can schedule a cleaning service via the company's website or app, including the booking process and availability.
Details about the types of cleaning products used, with a focus on environmentally friendly and non-toxic options.
Explanation of the pricing structure, whether it's hourly or based on the size of the property, and any factors that might affect the cost.
Information on how to cancel a service, any notice periods required, and whether there are cancellation fees.
Guidance on whether the homeowner needs to be at home during the cleaning service and the process for providing access to cleaners.
Instructions on how customers can provide feedback or make complaints about the service they received.
Information about any special protocols or measures the company has implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the safety of both clients and staff.